校歌于1960年由一位当时为香港音乐家之菲藉修女Sister Carmeia作曲,歌词则由在该校任教职并任立法局议员之耶稣会神父Fr. Patrick McGovern S.J.填写。 (To the beloved Fathers) This is the dear school where we learn how to treasure And keep for a lifetime all that's noble and true, To serve the Lord God in the love of our neighbour, O Wah Yan, we are proud of and grateful to you. In all that we do whether duty or pleasure, we count not the cost, but unselfishly strive, What's mean and unmanly we shun with displeasure, Come praise or come blame, we hold our heads high. Old Boys of Wah Yan cherish fond recollections Of those who here taught us the best things to choose; Home of our friendships, our hopes, and affections, O Wah Yan all our lives we'll be worthy of you.
作詞:郭 位 作曲:李峻⼀
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